Tuesday 19 August 2014

The right way to do it

Hello everybody, as I give this blog another try and hope it’s better than the first one. It is pretty hectic trying something new for the first time but you can only get better from here. Anyway…as we have all realized that times have changed and we now live in a technological world of social media and the internet, it has certainly replaced a lot of paper work. Gone are the days of writing letters and standing in a queue at the post office, but we also have to take precaution on how we use our social media accounts.
I think that since social media has become such a big part of our lives, we have to be careful of what we say, how we say it, whom we say it to and the kind of pictures we post on our accounts. Social media now reflects the kind of person you are and is now called your personal brand, it has an effect on how your future employers see you as a brand, whether they will employ you or not is up to your social account.
Here are some tips on how to do it right

st always be careful of the kind of language you use. You want to use language that will be understood by your followers and friends on your social media, commenting and writing in a friendly manner and not saying any unnecessary words to people is what will keep you as a brand clean and safe. Do not use any curse words or call people by inappropriate names.


nd you do not want to post illegal activities. I know that as students we experiment a lot with different substances through our high school and university life, but this can get you into serious trouble. You can get expelled or even have criminal charges to your name for the rest of your life. 


rd do not include your home address and telephone numbers on your profile, this could be threat for identity theft and also danger to burglary. Most home burglaries occur in this manner.


th don’t post inappropriate video and pictures, I doubt your future employer would want to see your belly ring or the tattoo on your buttocks. Do not post any pornographic videos; they say a lot about the kind of person you are. Sometimes you might want to keep your private life exactly that…private.


th good behavior. Your behavior is shown by your Facebook status update or your tweets on Twitter. Having professional accounts such as LinkedIn, Pinterest also helps future employers see the professional side of you.